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Dream Tarot

Dream Tarot

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"Abundance""Abundance"A modern cornucopia...
"Apple Pie""Apple Pie"as American (or Dutch as the case may be) as Apple Pie
"Break Bread""Break Bread"
"Break Fast""Break Fast"
"Four Quarters""Four Quarters"
"Mystery Meal""Mystery Meal"
"Raisin Pie""Raisin Pie"A Southern Illinois favorite!
"Ramona's Feast:""Ramona's Feast:"
"Three Peppers""Three Peppers"
"Tomato and Pepper""Tomato and Pepper"
"Two Pears""Two Pears"sweet little linocuts
"Tying Tomatoes""Tying Tomatoes"Horizontal linocut
"Wine Cellar""Wine Cellar"
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